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03 August 2020 by Cos Mingides

Our first year as IPA members: what it’s meant for us and our clients

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), incorporated by Royal Charter, is the professional body for agencies in the advertising, media and marketing communications industry. And it’s with great pride that True were elected as members in 2019.

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23 July 2020 by Amelie Lafayette

True recognised for creativity and campaign effectiveness globally

True named Global B2B Creative Agency of the Year 2020 at ANA Global Ace Awards with four wins at ANA B2 Awards

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06 July 2020 by Wendy Owen

Truth Sessions: Account Based Advertising

On Thursday we held the fourth webinar in our Truth Sessions series, taking an in-depth look at Account Based Advertising. 

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18 March 2020 by BBN Partners

Protesting against the cliché

B2B marketing is still adorned with cringe-worthy clichés that company executives are approving! For some reason, a percentage of the business-to-business community seems to have an addiction to using a variety of clichés whether they appear in copy, graphics or photography.

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26 February 2020 by Amelie Lafayette

BBN Number one international B2B marcomms agency

As the BBN London office, True is proud to announce that as of 2020 BBN is officially ranked as the number one international B2B marcomms agency.

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14 November 2019 by Tom Busby

We’re on a ‘Drum’ roll… four wins at The Drum Awards in one week

The results for The Drum B2B Awards and The Drum Content Awards are in, and we’re incredibly proud to announce that True won in all four of its shortlisted categories.

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