What Really Works in Social Media for B2B
Using Social Media to promote your business can be a great way of engaging with your audience, but sometimes it’s easier said than done.
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Because We Don't Get Judged Enough
We love awards for the right reasons – they’re a chance to show our approach to storytelling in B2B works and is effective. So naturally, as Creative Director at True, I'm delighted to have been chosen to judge the 2015 BMA awards in New York.
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Reviving the Art of Storytelling
Our fundamental belief is that we are all storytellers. As human beings we evolved telling stories around the camp fire.
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Google, You’ve Done it Again
Today is the day that Google will change its algorithm to favour ‘mobile friendly’ websites.
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Love, Hate and Cocktail Parties
There’s no getting away from it: business to business marketing is boring. It’s the Cinderella at the Marcoms Ball. But whereas Cinderella turns into a beautiful princess and finally bags her prince, B2B is destined to remain sweeping the fireplace unless we up our game.
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Our Industry is Broken; Let’s Fix It
At True, we fundamentally believe that something is wrong with B2B advertising; something is broken. We have an opportunity as marketers to change that. After all, we should always be trying to improve what we do, right?
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