Metrics Schmetrics
Here’s another reason why I think B2B marketing has become boring: metrics, or more precisely, an over-reliance on metrics.
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We Like to Dream Big
It’s now been six months since True joined BBN – the global business-to-business agency – to become BBN London and further improve the way we support clients on a worldwide basis.
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7 Takeaways from ‘Make’ day at Digital Shoreditch 2015
This week our dev team went to Digital Shoreditch, a festival bringing together the creative, tech and entrepreneur community. On the ‘Make’ day, UX, wearables and virtual reality were centre stage. With a smorgasbord of sessions to choose from, Digital Designer, Sanj focused on the UX sessions.
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It’s All About Anthropology, Stupid…
We like to think we buy a top-notch BMW because of its beautiful engineering, its performance, comfort and reliability. We probably really buy one because we think it’ll help us get laid, or differentiate us from the riff-raff.
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An Award Hat-trick for True
Good things come in threes. Over the last two weeks, we are happy to announce that we have received three awards for our ongoing work with Micro Focus and our ‘Elephant in the Room’ campaign.
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