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25 June 2015 by Richard Parsons

Where’s the Consistency Gone?

We don’t behave the same way at the football game as we do at a funeral, unless we’re starring in a gross-out Hollywood comedy. As humans, we adapt our behaviour to the social context. Brands should do the same.

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22 June 2015 by Tessa McCaffrey

Who’s Who at True: Vasil

It helps to both like and be proud of the people you work with. At True, we are. Since you may only know a few of us, we're starting a who's who of True – picking random people and digging for the truth behind their shiny smile.

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09 June 2015 by Richard Parsons

Hello, I’m a Psychopath!

In my last post, I said your brand is an ape. Everything changes when we start to think of B2B brands as human and as predisposed towards emotional, intuitive behaviour as humans are.

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05 June 2015 by Rory Vieyra

Cold Calling or Egg Mayonnaise?

I am new to B2B marketing (someone has to be). I used to be a professional actor. My main areas of expertise are bursting into impromptu song and making the shape of a tree.

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03 June 2015 by Richard Parsons

You’re an Ape

This isn’t meant to sound insulting – quite the opposite. Some of you may like to think of homo sapiens as being at the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, differentiated as much by our culture, imagination, and creativity as by our opposable thumbs.

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29 May 2015 by Tessa McCaffrey

Creating Compelling B2B Stories Through Infographics

B2B marketers don’t need convincing to produce infographics that display information in a visual way. But all too often, we are seeing an overuse of pie charts and small people to represent percentages and statistics. 

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