
Stay in the loop with the latest B2B industry trends.

20 October 2015 by Olga Angelaki

It’s Show Time, Folks!

Words or pictures, pictures or words? This is the age-old argument for what works best in advertising.

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09 October 2015 by Tom Busby

Millennials – Don’t Be Bugged

Born between 1980 and 2000, millennials are a group of people who have never used a fax machine, think dial-up internet is from the dark ages, have rarely opened an encyclopaedia – and may never have driven anywhere without the aid of a sat-nav.

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21 September 2015 by Richard Parsons

Have Some Respect: The US Creative Revolution

In my last post, I argued that European advertising haled from artistic roots and was the better for it. But most commentators seem to agree that it was Bill Bernbach of Doyle Dale Bernbach who unleashed a new era of creativity in advertising in 1950s America.

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23 July 2015 by Richard Parsons

Heart vs Head – How Did We Get Here?

Since the beginning of time it seems advertising has been split into two camps: the salesmen versus the artists.

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16 July 2015 by Tessa McCaffrey

Who's who at True: Tessa

It helps to both like and be proud of the people you work with. At True, we are. Since you may only know a few of us, we're starting a who's who of True – picking random people and digging for the truth behind their shiny smile.

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