Friction Factory
Telling a good story is often about identifying a point of friction and releasing pressure that has built up because of it. That point is not always obvious, of course.
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The Greatest Story Ever Told?
Metro Goldwyn Mayer’s 1965 film, ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ brought the life of Jesus to the big screen in glorious Technicolor.
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Funnel Vision
Why do B2B marketers get things the wrong way round?
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The Myths of Time...
Before we could even write, we humans were painting scenes on the cave walls at Lascaux, or listening to Greek bards sing about the exploits of heroes and gods.
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Become The Don of Social Media
Don Corleone has a successful business in Gambling and Bribery. He faces a choice between potential earnings from narcotics and jeopardising his established relationships with the Police and Government by starting an unknown and unsavoury venture. If you're a B2B CMO, you are Don Corleone; Social Media is narcotics.
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Ghosts Of Halloween Past
My first Halloween was in 1991. On the morning of Oct 31 I touched down at Kennedy airport. One way ticket - Kathmandu to New York. I had decided it was too early to become a Himalayan monk, and instead chose the Big Apple.
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