The Most Important B2B Marketing ‘Twends’ of 2016
A few months into 2016 and some are still wondering what this year will bring. What can we, for example, expect in the area of B2B marketing? What are the most important trends and evolutions? We have evaluated and assessed the most important predictions. The result is something between a trend list and a wish list. Therefore, Twends.
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Common Marketing Automation Mistakes to Avoid
Right now is the best time to deploy a marketing automation platform. Marketing automation is experiencing record adoption, more than any other digital marketing platform, and has seen a 50% increase in growth over the past year.
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In What Life Stage Is Your Brand? Fun or Death Rattle?
You know them…outdated companies that have no intention of wanting to change until revenues and profits are seriously decreasing. The organisation changes too late and causes its own demise, resulting in the brand’s ‘death rattle’.
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A Great Product Launch Means Finding Your ‘Peanut Butter’!
If a service or product launch is at the centre of your communications strategy, and if you haven’t found your ‘peanut butter’, beware! Your launch could probably use a healthy injection of innovation. (If you just sat back, furrowed your brow and said “Huh?”, allow me two minutes to explain.)
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How To Find Influencers and Engage Them
Nowadays, much more of our reputation is affected by what is said about us! In business, this means that 80-90 per cent of customers decide on their purchase before they are actively addressed.
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“Here’s to the crazy ones…”
When Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple, they didn’t just want to make machines that were functional; they also wanted to make them beautiful and easy to use. Jobs was as influenced by calligraphy as he was by programming.
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