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14 July 2016 by Leo Boon Yeow - BBN Singapore

Video is Unavoidable in B2B Marketing Today

Video is the most powerful tool marketers have at their disposal. The popularity of video exploded last year, with the number of videos posted on Facebook leaping from 4 billion in April 2015 to 8 billion in September 2015.

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14 July 2016 by Amelie Lafayette

Let Me Tell You A Story...

 In an excellent earlier blog post a spirited argument was put forward for the primacy of the image over the written word in advertising. However, I’d like to counter this with a, hopefully, spirited argument not only in favour of words, but lots of them. I’m talking about long copy.

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07 July 2016 by Gopal Kishore - BBN Singapore

The B2B Tech Marketing Funnel is Dead - Long Live the Funnel

If we asked for an apple, and we get an orange, are we supposed to be happy because it’s a fruit? Similarly, as a B2B tech marketer, we ask for leads and instead get a funnel. Are we supposed to be happy?

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30 June 2016 by Fabio Orlando - BBN Canada

The Boy Who Could Fly

I was a weird kid. No, really.

When I was but a wee lad I believed a lot of things that most would deem inconceivable.

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23 June 2016 by Ashan Bhattacharya - BBN India

Put Some Emotion In Your B2B Marketing Campaigns

Marketers in the B2B space strongly feel that emotions have no significance in their marketing campaigns. But what if we tell you that it’s only partially true?

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16 June 2016 by Annette Fernandes-Poyser - BBN Central

BBN Expands Into Brazil

BBN has just signed it’s latest agency partner agreement with Brazilian agency Approach. Our dialogue with Beth Garcia, CEO and partner of Approach began in February this year and after several conversations and communication exchanges over the next proceeding months it became clear that Approach was going to be a key partner for our clients doing business in South America.

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