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11 January 2017 by Rory Vieyra

Instinct vs. Data

Gut-feeling and empirical evidence are the two methods by which people make decisions. But which is better?

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02 December 2016 by Jeff Young - BBN USA

Consumer Transparency in B2B Marketing

While B2C marketing has always made consumer transparency a priority, it’s now imperative that B2B marketers adopt this way of thinking, too; it’s the new prerequisite for success. End users (consumers) expect the same quality, precision, and honesty every step of the way – from manufacturers and suppliers all the way down to retailers.

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30 November 2016 by Richard Parsons

Fishing, Pulling and Statistics

Continued from my previous post

All this talk of creativity, the big idea and long-term thinking doesn’t meanI’m against measuring stuff. As I’ve already said, the point is that metrics should inform us, not dictate to us.

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29 November 2016 by Richard Parsons

So Here’s the Strategy…Look, Kittens!

One of my criticisms of B2B marketing is that it is still too dominated by old-school, US-style thinking – product-driven and financially obsessed. The corporate culture is all about the quarterly report – the numbers – and that leads to a reductive, short-term approach. It’s like we’ve all got attention deficit disorder.

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22 November 2016 by Richard Parsons

The Secret Beta Society

The Secret Beta Society event was an evening of discovery into B2B marketing, held by True. The Brothers and Sisters congregated for an evening of wit, wisdom and wine. Ever wondered who the B2B Illuminati are? View some photos from the night, you may even spot the greatest B2B mind in the room.

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