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20 September 2017 by Oliver Millard

The Secret Beta Society

Thursday 14th September marked the second coming of True’s B2B networking event, 'The Secret Beta Society'.

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11 September 2017 by Oliver Millard

True have been shortlisted for 8 awards in this year’s B2B Brave Awards

The judging panel of The Drum B2B Brave Awards have announced the shortlisting’s to reveal who are the best and bravest in B2B as True are finalists for 8 awards

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23 August 2017 by Cos Mingides

Another year of hard work pays off as True are shortlisted for two B2B Marketing Awards

True have been shortlisted for ‘Most Commercially Successful Campaign’ and ‘Best Internal Audience Campaign’ ahead of the B2B Marketing Awards in November

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08 August 2017 by Richard Parsons

Just do it…

Once you've done all your thinking, research, and empathizing, hopefully you have a pretty good idea what you want to say – what the brand narrative is going to be. It’s time to start synthesizing all those influences into the semblance of a big idea.

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21 July 2017 by Richard Parsons

Creativity, where art thou?

The big idea – the brand story running throughout a campaign and the entire business – can’t come from a rulebook or a set of data. So where does creativity come from?

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11 July 2017 by Annette Fernandes-Poyser - BBN Central

Do B2B companies need a face?

Since the advent of Social Media, there is a growing move within B2B-centric businesses to act more like a person rather than just a company.

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